Saturday, 16 April 2016

Uniben Postgraduate Programmes 2016/2017

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following Postgraduate programmes leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma, Masters degree and Ph.D in the various Faculties/Schools/Institutes of the University of Benin. 
Closing Date - 30th May 2016

Note that: Application fee is N 11.500 while Processing fee is N 550 


  1. Please Download and go through the advert at the bottom of this page to ensure proper guidance in the choice of Programme of Study.
  2. Click on 'Register for application' at the top left of the displayed page to proceed.
  3. Provide all necessary information. Note that * means compulsory fields.
  4. Click on 'Get login credentials' .
  5. An immediate mail will be send to the provided email address (ps your email not the cybercafe's mail).
  6. Open your mail to get your system generated id and password that you will use to login.
  7. On the click on 'Login' (top right of front page).
  8. Enter your user name and the password from the mail to login.
  9. To start the application process, please click on 'Edit application record' and provide all required information and upload your red background passport photograph.
  10. You can view your entries before downloading the application slip.
  11. To make payment login and click 'Edit application record'.
  12. At the bottom of the page click on 'Add online payment ticket'.
  13. On the displayed page top left click on 'College Pay' to start payment by ATM or Cash Card.
  14. Please do not delete any unsuccessful payment rather query it before initiating another payment.


Admission into some programmes shall be through entrance examination to be conducted on 00th of XXXXXXX,2015 by 9 am at ugbowo campus. 

However, there will be no Entrance Examinations for some programmes. Admission into such programmes will be based on the general requirements approved by the Senate. 

Click here to register

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