Saturday, 16 April 2016

Business Conference Live in UNIBEN with Sir Shallom

There are 80 MILLIONS Of YOUTHS Graduating Every year Globally. NO JOB! 🙄. Don't add to it. Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be Wealthy.

"Business Conference" LIVE IN UNIBEN
             with   Sir_Shallom
COME! &Get Inspired& Motivated by Sir_Shallom &Other Great Speakers.

Pastor Muyiwa Jame, MC Casino, E don do, EFex da Entertainer, TG Banks, Dance of Epitome, Fresh Bliss, Dance Switch and many more

Main Auditorium, UNIBEN|| APRIL 30|| 2016|| 9.AM- Purple Carpet.    

Gate fee: FREE. come with your friends            
There will be Raffle draws..

Raffle Ticket Purchase: 08054423630

Raffle Draw Tickets are already selling at: Buka 6 and Basement Shopping Complex, UNIBEN. Cost #200.

Raffle draw gift includes Brand new Laptop, make up kit, USB flash drives,i
 Irons, rechargeable lamps, fans, modem for browsing, customized T- Shirts and "An official Outing''.
After a week of the 'Business Conference'.
There will be two weeks intensive vocational trainings: 100% practical.
Category includes:
1. Blogging/ web-design/app
2. Event management
3. Professional make up kit.

Invite you friends to this open event..

BBM: 23598356 Twitter@SCBNigeria

University of Benin Official Campus Gist and online publicity platform(UNIBENGIST).
Join  us For News Updates
On BBM @ C0048C33B

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