Friday, 23 October 2015

Public Announcement for Uniben students

 This is to inform all University of Benin 'staylites' (returning students) that payment of school fees for the 2015/2016 academic session has started. To pay follow the steps below..

---Login to uniben kofa page

---On the Menu, click on “My data” select
“Payment” option then click on “Add
online payment ticket” button.

---Select from the Payment Category,
School fees and click on “Create
Ticket” button and then click the link
under Payment ID.

---Click on the “College Pay” button to
view payment details and click the
“Submit” button to proceed with the
payment through Interswitch payment

---Select your ATM Card type: Verve or
Master Card and supply the card details
(card number, expiration date, 4-digit
PIN etc) as required.

Then click on “PAY” button.

If payment is successful, Download your payment slip and print.

Meanwhile, School is yet to commence hostel application, immediately it starts, we will do well to inform you all.
Pre-degree students classes have commenced. While, Part time form is still on sale.

Share with your friends..
Join our social media platforms

Instagram: @Unibengist

BBM channel:C0048C33B

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