Saturday, 24 October 2015

Uniben update from the SU.G PRO Oguche Divine

Good morning everyone trust your holiday is been going well.
This is to bring to ur notice that resumption is near and as such adequate preparation should start now for resumption...

Please note the following.
*Hostel application this session will be Online
 *School fees payment has started
*Renovation is currently ongoing in the halls of residence.
The Students' Union Government however wants to use this medium to let you know that dialogue is ongoing to ensure that the hostel renovation is fast and quick to ensure a stress less session for our esteem students.
Please also understand that the online application for hostel is to relieve us the stress of queuing in the bank for days. It therefore means that u can now apply for hostel at your comfort.
Upon commencement of Hostel application, you all will be abreast.
Thanks for your immense support thus far, you guys are indeed great!!!! Greatest Uniben Students!!!!

In conclusion don't forget, they shouldn't be strife BTW uniben students and their neighbour for We Be BRETHREN...
.... always live to remember that UNIBEN IS DIVINE.

Oguche Divine Omale
Students' spokesman
SUG Dir of info/PRO

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Pls can u help me list out the things direct entry students need for clearance? Pls I nid to knw b4 I leave calabar for Benin so dat my coming won't be futile!

Ejini Emmanuel said...

The requirements of direct entry which is pude and post ume which is putme are the same. Read here.....