Tuesday, 29 September 2015

10 Things You Need To Do Just Before A Job Interview

Every job seeker looks forward to getting an interview invitation. However, whether or not you get the job majorly depends on the outcome
of the interview. And your success in any job interview depends on your preparation.
Preparation includes taking care of the smallest but important details with regard to the interview. There are few important things that can be a huge determinant of your success in
any job interview.

Here are 10 important things you need to do just before a job interview to increase your chances of getting the job;

1.Get the Relevant Details About Your Employer:
What are the objectives of the company? What does it produce or what service does it render?
How was the organization doing last year, or this quarter? Who are their senior executives? When you get to know such information as
these, it differentiates you from other
candidates. It shows you have interest in the company and the idea of working with them.
You can get answers to some of these
questions from the company’s annual report. You can check their websites as well.

2.Develop A list of Questions To Ask:
At the end of every interview, it is usually advisable that you have couple of questions to ask the interviewer. So it is important you list the questions to ask at the end of the interview
before going. Your questions should not be about how much you are going to earn but rather questions that will help you understand the position you are applying for and the
company. For instance;
• What is the most challenging aspect of this position?
• Do you have any doubt about my qualifications for this position?
• What policies have the company in place to ensure the growth and advancement of

3.Get The Relevant Materials Ready:
Usually you will be told what you need to bring to the interview. But even if you are not told, watch out, it could be a test. Make sure you go with extra copies of your résumé, a writing note
and a ball pen. You may also be needed to provide copies of your educational and professional certificates. Go with them just to be on a safer side. Don’t forget to get an attaché case to carry these documents. This will
make you look professional. Take extra money in case of any eventuality.

4.Take Another Look at Your Cover Letter and
You need to take another look at your Cover Letter and Resume'/CV before going for any interview to make sure you have all the details at your fingertips. You are usually required to
submit or send your these documents during job application. Most times when you are called for
an interview, employers usually take time to ask questions based on the information you gave on
your Cover Letter and CV/Resume. That means that any answer you give contrary to the information on the Cover Letter and Resume/CV
you sent to them earlier will automatically put you at a disadvantage. That’s also the reason it
is not advisable to lie on a Resume/CV.

5.Know your strength and be sure you
communicate them:
An essential part of communicating a winning attitude is telling your interviewer what you like
about yourself-the positive traits that will make you an asset to that employer. Decide in
advance which positive traits about you, your experience, or your background you want to
highlight in the interview.
Pick three or certainly no more than four items about you that are most compatible with that
position or company. Write these traits down and internalize them. Practice including these
traits in your responses.

6.Make Sure You Know Your Way:
You need to be sure of the exact place the interview will hold. Double check the location, and make sure you have the correct address. If
you can, get to know the place a day before the interview date. You may go to great lengths to prepare for an interview and then undo all your
good work by being in the wrong place at the appointed time. Imagine showing up late because you were stuck midway to the venue and having difficulty finding your way.

7.Mind What You Wear:
The way you dress matters. Wearing the
appropriate attire will make you look
professional. Some companies and
organizations have their dress codes. But in case you are not sure what to wear. Just make
it corporate and conservative. Make sure whatever you are going to wear is ironed and in good shape. Remember you need to give the
impression of a professional and your dress matters in that regard.

8.Be Positive:
Positivity is a state of mind. Your state of mind matters. It will easily reflect in your words and actions. When your state of mind is positive, it
will help you take care of the usual anxiety that follows interviews, raise your level of motivation
and self-confidence and help you make a good impression on your interviewers. Therefore take
time to put yourself in a positive state of mind before the interview. Do something to put yourself in the right state of mind. It could be
listening to your favorite song, prayer/
meditation, reading a self-help book or listening to your favourite motivational speaker.

9.Be there On time But Not Too Early:
You are expected to leave home early and be at the venue of the interview before the scheduled time. However, don’t show up too early for an
interview. They may think you have nothing better to, which may be true but that is not the impression you should convey.
One other disadvantage of an early arrival is that you will meet and probably talk with the
other candidates. These conversations may put you at a disadvantage. How? You may wonder.
It is in such discussions you hear something like, “You mean you don’t have a masters degree
and you’re still bothering to go through with the interview?” or “I heard they have already taken
the number they needed, none of us stands a chance.” Such words can get you in a negative
state of mind, destabilize you and kill your chances of making any good impression. Show up for the interview about 5 or 10 minutes
before the scheduled time. That way, you will minimize the anxiety-provoking waiting time and
also avoid unnecessary discussions that will do you no good.

10.Make A Commanding Entrance:
Create an impression the moment you walk in. As you enter be aggressive enough to shake hands with your interviewer, or each member of
the interviewing committee if feasible. Look them in the eyes while greeting. Show confidence but do not make it look like arrogance. Wait until you are asked to sit.
…remember you’ve prepared so long for this moment. This is the time. Make the most of it!

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