The management of University of Benin (UNIBEN) has warned students against “shortputting” on campus, especially within the halls of residence, saying such act ‘is highly prohibited.’
The warning was contained in the latest ‘rules and regulation’ to resident students, over the weekend, ahead of the February 1, 2021 resumption of academic activities.
“Shortputting” is the act of passing out faeces in a nylon or polythene bag and disposing the waste in the open by mostly flinging them away. This practice is common among students.
The UNIBEN management also said the sale or transfer of hostel bed space is highly prohibited, warning against squatting of any form.
“Students must reside only in the rooms allocated to them without exchanging or substitution,” it said, adding, “only bonafide (registered) students are allowed to live in the halls of residence.”
“All students must carry the hall identity card at all times and must be prepared to show it on demand by any hall official”, warning students against bringing into the halls of residence pets and heavy electrical gadgets.
Such items which are now banned include: hot plate, electric kettle, washing machine, drier, toasters, grills, immersion heater, refrigerator, curling iron, microwave oven, gas cylinder and gas cooker.
While warning student residents against cooking in their hostel rooms, the University directed all hall occupants to make use of utility rooms instead.
“Fighting, stealing and activities such as shouting, loud music that constitute disturbance to others in the halls [of residence] are highly prohibited.”
UNIBEN restricted visitors to halls of residence to the common rooms (between the hours of 4pm-6pm daily), saying, ‘visitors are not allowed into students’ room.
While warning hostel users against bathing outside their rooms’ bathrooms, UNIBEN mandated all hall occupants to clean their rooms regularly.
“All complaints should be lodged with the porter or any hall official”, it said, adding, “hanging of clothes on hand railings of the hall ways or room railings inside the hostel is prohibited.”
“No defacing, writing, or posting of bills on walls, tree, electric poles etc. in and around the hostel and school premises,” UNIBEN warned further.
The students’ rule book said pouring of water from upper floor/hall ways downstairs is now prohibited, including, “the use of naked light such as candle and tampering with door lock.”
UNIBEN management called on the students, particularly hostel occupants to respect the privacy, security and individual rights of fellow students at all time.
“Students are required to pack their belongings, return keys and other University properties at the close of semester/session. Any property left behind will be at the students own risk.
“All students must vacate halls of residence at the appointed date of evacuation released by the University,” the latest guideline sighted by CAMPUS GIST added.
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