Thursday, 10 November 2016

Modalities for Screening exercise 2016/2017 admission for candidates admitted into Fed. Col. of Edu. (Tech) Akoka Lagos

Below are the modalities for Screening exercise 2016/2017 admission for candidates that were offer provisional admission into Federal college of education (Technical ), Akoka in affiliation with the University of Benin inclusive of both direct entry candidates....

All prospective candidates for the University of Benin, Benin-City affiliated programmes for the 2016/2017 screening exercise should note the following information/procedure as listed below: 
Date for screening : Monday 21st – Friday 25th November 2016 
1. Present the following document/items 
a. Original O’level result(s) (for sighting only) 
b. Photocopy of O’level result(s) (for authentication) 
c. 2016 JAMB Result slip d. Present scratch card for verification of O’level result(s) 

2. Obtain result of the screening exercise immediately Further enquiries should be directed to the Admission Office 
Thank you 
O. O. AFE (MRS) 
Deputy Registrar, 

Visit for registration

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pls where will the screening take place