Thursday, 12 August 2021



See Procedure for 2020/2021 session Accommodation Booking Below

*** Accommodation Booking and Payment is Now Enabled for Duly Cleared, Newly admitted students who have paid their school charges.

*** Payment of charges and accommodation booking For Returning Students is also now activated for all duly registered students in the previous session (2019/2020).

*** Booking for returning students using activation code starts for returning students at 10 am 13th August 2021.

*** All those that have not paid charges or registered Courses in the previious session should do so immediately.

*** Note that All Returning Students that have not yet paid charges and registered their courses Online for 2019/2020 cannot proceed to pay charges for 2020/2021 and therefore cannot apply for accommodation.

*** Students interested in Hostel Accommodation should take note of, and follow these guidelines

-Pay your UNIBEN charges for the session. (Payment of charges for the new session has been enabled for Freshers and duly registered returning students)

- It is very Important to ensure that you actually need the accommodation and intend to stay there. You’re not allowed to book and then transfer to another student as this is an OFFENSE!

** Log into your student online record.

** Under Accommodation, Select Particular Hall of Interest.

** Under Payments, Create Bed Allocation ticket. Make payment using any valid ATM card from you Student Profile. Do NOT make payment directly on the Remita website since it has no way of linking back directly to your profile

** If desired Hostel is any of Hall 1, 2, 3, 4. or Ekenwan Campus undergraduate Hostels . Go ahead and directly book your particular space using the activation code (HOS- ... ) on your payment slip,

** If desired Hostel is any of Hall 5 6, 7, Keystone, NDDC, Clinicl. etc. Your assigned space from Student Affairs will be uploaded WHERE available.

** Those assigned spaces from Student Affairs also need to use their booking code in order to view the space assigned to them

** Immediately proceed to pay the relevant Hostel Maintenance fee assigned to your allocated space, upon successful booking.

Please Note that all allocated spaces not paid for will be released back to circulation after 48 hours.

For the avoidance of doubt, Note that allocated spaces will be retrieved and become available for others to book after 2 days (48 hrs) of not paying Hostel maintenance fee.

** Print out relevant Slips to use for clearance into the Halls of Residence.

Any Student allocated a space in the reserved halls, is also expected to go ahead and book with their activation code and to Immediately proceed to pay the relevant Hostel Maintenance fee assigned to your allocated space, within 48 hrs, upon successful booking.

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