Monday, 13 August 2018

List of Uniben forms currently available for 2018/2019 and their Price/Closing dates

Below you find the list of Uniben Form that are currently available for 2018/2019, their Price and closing date.

Programme:  Admission into FullTime Diploma Programme in Martime Studies
Price: The sum of ₦10,000.00(Ten Thousand Naira) for the Diploma Program and ₦ 20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand
Naira) for the advanced Certificate Programs
Closing date: 30th September, 2018.
 Click on the link below for more details

Programme: Jupeb Pre- Degree (Foundation) Studies 2018/2019
Price: (N15,000.00) The fee excludes bank charges.
Closing date: 25th August, 2018.  
Click on the link below for more details

Programme: Admission to Postgrudate Programmes 2018/2019
Price: #21,000
Closing date: 31st August, 2018.
 Click on the link below for more details

Programme: Uniben 2018/2019 Direct Entry Admission
Price: 2,000
Closing date: 21st August, 2018.
 Click on the link below for more details

Programme: Uniben Full-Time and Part-Time Diploma/Certificate programmprogrammes for 2018/2019 

Price: #10,050.00 (The fee excludes other charges for Portal Services of #1000.00).
Closing date:  30th September, 2018

 Click on the link below for more details

Programme: Uniben PartTime for Undergraduate and PostGraduate 2018/2019

#12,050.00 (The fee excludes other charges for Past questions and Portal Services of #2,000.00)
Closing date: 30 September, 2018
 Click on the link below for more details

1 comment:

Clement Onomuodeke said...

Hello, you can add me up on whatsapp via 08162737340 so that i can connect you for admission, add u to group and meet your fellow students..