Friday, 19 January 2018

BREAKING NEW: University of Benin bans all fellowship on campus EXCEPT (See full details)

The Student Affairs Division of the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria has revoked the
registration of all fellowships and religious groups on campus with effect from 18th January, 2018. 
This is due to the unhealthy multiplicity of fellowships on campus and the use of lecture halls/classrooms/open fields for meetings on Sunday morning. New guidelines will be announced for re-registration of fellowships. Meanwhile, the following fellowships are NOT affected by the ban and can continue with their activities: 

- Students Christian Movement / Christian Union Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) and Scripture Union Campus Fellowship
- Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students
- Muslim Students Society of Nigeria 
1. All students should note that the approval for fellowship meetings in lecture halls, classrooms, fields, etc has been revoked with effect from 18thJanuary, 2018. Students have the privileges and rights to worship at the All Saints Chapel (interdenominational), St. Albert's Catholic Church, and the Mosque for Muslims.
2. Any fellowship inviting any Preacher from outside the campus MUST get clearance and approval from the Management of the University through the Dean of Student Affairs.
3. Students who violate the rules and regulations of the University will not be treated with kid gloves as they will face the wrath of the law.
Professor Osarhieme Benson Osadolor, Dean of Students 18th January 201.

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