Thursday, 16 November 2017

Uniben admission letter for newly admitted students- See Details

This is to inform  all newly admitted students of
the University of Benin for 2017/2018 academic session that apart from getting a new student record, you have also recieved the Uniben provisional admission letter. 

This letter can be found on the top of your screen immediately you login with your new Id and Password.It is denoted as "Download admission letter".  Download the PDF. You can as well print it. It will be used as part of your clearance..

More details Coming soon. 


Anonymous said...

Are they done releasing all the list??

Anonymous said...

Uniben University a well know prestigious institute that provides the quality education to their students. The ukbestessays give chance to a large number of students to join this institute. Stay tuned with this blog to get the more updates about the admissions and university.

Unknown said...

Please Am i to pay acceptance fee before getting my new student id,if so how do i pay my acceptance fee.thanks