Wednesday, 6 September 2017

SOLUTION: How to solve Change of Institution and Payment Problem encountered during UNIBEN POST UTME registration

On behalf of the Students  Union government I want to inform the public that all POST UTME applicants should go back online on 12th September 2017 to
print out their acknowledgement slip that contains their screening day, Venue and time for screening.

The office of the public relations officer have also been receiving complains of failed transactions from applicants. Applicants with such issue are hereby advised to send their transactions details to these email or or or or . Please applicants should ensure that their student ID, payment ID, first 6 digit numbers and last 4 digit numbers of their ATM card and other relevant details are well stated. While sending the email, applicants should not forget to state that the registration will elapse on the 9th of September and if their payment do not reflect on or before the 8th of September, they should please do well to reapply to avoid missing their opportunity of writing the POST UTME examination.

Applicants that did change of institution and are having issues should do well also to visit the JAMB OFFICE and ask them to send their names to the UNIVERSITY OF BENIN on or before 7th of September.

Conclusively, students from faculty of Education should note that their teaching practice program won't be affected by the on going ASUU strike.

To this end, let it be known, remembered and preached that UNIBEN STUDENTS AND APPLICANTS DESERVE GOODNEWS and working together we will make UNIBEN GREATER.

For inquires and complains don't hesitate to contact the OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER.

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