Friday, 3 February 2017

UPDATE: First semester examination for 100 and 200 levels rescheduled - See details

Management of the University Of Benin at the emergency Senate meeting held on Friday,  3rd
 February, 2017 came to the following decisions:

  •  That the first semester examination for 100 levels be postponed to Monday, 13th March,  2017. 
  •  That the 300, 400, 500, and 600 level students are to commence their examinations as scheduled from Monday 6th February, 2017. 
  •  That the General Studies examinations for  100 and 200 levels will take place from Monday  27th March, 2017 to Friday 7th April, 2017. 
Sequel to the above, 100 and 200 level students are to continue with their lectures till the end of 300-600 levels examination.  Thereafter, they would be taught for another two weeks (Monday  27th February, 2017 -  Friday 10th March, 2017) before the commencement of examination. 

In the light of the above,  all Deans and Directors are to make arrangements for the 100 and 200 level students 

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