Thursday, 24 November 2016

Information for kofa accounts showing "Clearance Requested"

Some newly admitted students who have done
their online clearance has been asking question as regards "clearance requested" which was seen after successful completion the process. 
Please note that the University of Benin has not specified that dates will be given to appear at your various faculty for the physical clearance. Therefore, if you have successfully completed your online clearance, endeavor to be at your clearance venue for your physical clearance. Ensure to be there on time. Clearance start each day as from 9am to 5pm.
Uniben Gist wishes you a stress free physical clearance.

More details later!!!

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Unknown said...

I have done my physical clearance yesterday and its showing "clearance requested"

Anonymous said...

helo sir does my jamb score affect my DE admission? cos my jamb score was 174 and dat was wat i used in gaining OND admission.

Unknown said...

please what were the documents requested?

Anonymous said...

But does 'clearance requested' mean cleared

Anonymous said...

mine is showing clearance requested should I wait for response from the school

Anonymous said...

I have uploaded all my clearance documents except from neco scratch card and neco result,but my kofa is showing clearance requested

Anonymous said...

My UNIBEN portal is showing clearance requested. And I just did online clearance, how many days will I wait for it to show cleared. Please I need urgent response.

Anonymous said...

Please how long will it take for my UNIBEN portal that is showing clearance requested, change to cleared. Please how long.