Tuesday, 22 November 2016

IMPORTANT: New notice on Uniben physical clearance- See details

Earlier today we posted on this platform that the Uniben Asuu chairman said that the one week Asuu warning strike ends tonight. Hence, lectures and other activities resume tomorrow 23rd November 2016. Newly admitted students are therefore advised to be in school as from tomorrow for their physical clearance at the various faculties from 9.00am to 5pm each day.

You are required to come with the following documents along with six colour red background passport.

. Certificates/Statements of result
. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
. Acceptance letter
. Guarantor’s letter
. Affidavit of Good Conduct
. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults
. JAMB & UNIBEN offer of Provisional Admission Slips
. Affidavit of Local Govt of Origin or Certificate of Identification from Local Govt of origin

You are also required to make six photocopies of the above documents. 

Steps to arrange your documents
-Purchase 7 files
- Put all original copies in one file.
- place the copies of the above documents in each of the remaining 6 files. Ensure to pin your passport on each of the files.
For those who are yet to do your online clearance endeavor to do it on time.

NOTE : Physical clearance ends on Friday 16th December 2016. Classes and other registrations begins immediately.

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Unknown said...

Please how much is the school fees

Unknown said...

How much is nursing school fee

Oscar Vincent said...

Pls for d clearance , can u buy any type of file or do uniben have their own school file?

Ogochukwu Isioma said...

You can purchase your file at anywhere.
It should be the normal office flat file.

Ogochukwu Isioma said...

Any medical related courses is usually #49,500 (as at last session).
Although, there may likely be a slight change this year, maybe 5k difference.

Ogochukwu Isioma said...

School fees is normally #46,000 for four year courses and #49,500 for five year courses and medical related courses... as at last year anyway.

Oscar Vincent said...

Pls if ur kofa page still shows 'clearance requested' And there is no date for physical clearance yet. Wat should i do?.


For the waec scratch card, are you to get seven for the seven files, or just the only one with the originals that will carry the scratch card. Can you use already scratched card

Unknown said...

Plz my kofa page is still showing submitted. Plz wat next? Or is any other list coming out?