Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Uniben 2016/2017 Hostel Accommodation list released, for those who have not seen their names read this notice!!!

This is to inform students of the University of Benin especially returning students who applied for hostel accommodation for 2016/2017 session that the Students Affairs Division
has officially released list of candidates who have been successfully given space as at yesterday. For the female visit Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 5 female Hostel. For the male visit Hall 3, hall 4 and Hall 5 Male hostels. For medical students visit the various medical hostels.
As at yesterday some students did not find their names and spaces. 
While Speaking to one of the Student Union Government Executives earlier today about those who applied and have not seen their names, the executive said that another list will be released as soon as possible, so he urged students to calm down.

More details later.....


Unknown said...

This is unfair for freshers who might be interested in hostel accommodation as this has come before release of admission list. I mean how can one pay for hostel accommodation without first being sure of getting admission?
Ok. What if one finally gets admission but no more space for accommodation in the hostel? Come's not fair.

Unknown said...

This is unfair for freshers who might be interested in hostel accommodation as this has come before release of admission list. I mean how can one pay for hostel accommodation without first being sure of getting admission?
Ok. What if one finally gets admission but no more space for accommodation in the hostel? Come's not fair.

Ogochukwu Isioma said...

Nice one admin.