Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Confusion over notice on charge for late Payment / Registration for Returning students(Stallites) - Read Details.

The University of Benin recently gave a notice to Returning students(Stallites) that is making every one thinking, while others confused. Here is the notice and a simple explanation to the notice. 

Charge for late payment / Registration will be activated for the 2016/2016 Session on the Morning of Monday November 7th 2016. This is 4 weeks after resumption. The Initial late charge of #10,000 will be increased to #20,000 after 2 weeks on Monday 21st November 21. After which payment and registration for the current session will close.
The  simple explanation of the above notice is that  the initial late charge of #10,000 will be add to the original amount of your school fees on Monday November 7th 2016.
After two week of initial increase, there will be another increase, which is #20,000 will be added to the original amount of your school fees on  Monday 21st November 2016. Therefore students are advised and encouraged to pay in time so as to avoid the above penalties. 

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