Monday, 12 September 2016

IMPORTANT: New Notice to all candidates for Pre-admission Screening!!!!

This is to notify all candidates for the Pre-Admission screening that there is going to be a
face to face segment of the Pre-Admission Screening Exercise Starting from Wednesday 14th Septmeber 2016 for those that have already provided their Waec/ Neco / Other relevant  result details in the screening application which ended yesterday.

Candidates are therefore advised to login to the kofa page as from 2PM today for further details. So for those who stay far away from Benin, be prepared to travel down to Benin.

More details soon to follow....


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

my date has not appear whats happening

Unknown said...

My date didn't appear , pls what's going on

Anonymous said...

I haven't been sent an invitation screening letter, what should i do?

Ejini Emmanuel said...

if you are already eligible and you have not seen your date note that you fall in second batch. it will be updated soon. Just keep checking.

quin esther said...

I was eligible bt nw d notice space is empty is it normal and will my date still be sent