Wednesday, 14 September 2016

For not-eligible candidates: See the reason why candidates could not find the information to apply for Supplementary screening

Recently, we posted on our platform that the University of Benin Admission Board has graciously approved that candidates including staff children who could not meet the cut-

off/benchmark for the Pre-Admission Screening to come and apply for Supplementary screening. This caused so many trouble as many candidates complained via our page that they could find the notice on the Uniben Website.

Below you find a photo of the page University of Benin 2016/2017 admission screening exercise supplementary. If you carefully look at the image you will see Hide container: Yes 
it was actually hidden that's why you all were unable to see the application on the Uniben page.
Am glad to announce to you that it is no longer hidden, it is now official. Click here to read the full detail and how to apply.


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