Monday, 25 July 2016

Controversies about the Death of three Uniben Students!!!

Recently, there have been some false news circulating via Social media about the death of three students of the great University of Benin. Below is the information from the Students' Union Government P.R.O Hon. Ikotu Gideon Kelechi.

"Greatest Uniben Students, in line with the controversies surrounding the death of our beloved students some days ago. Joel from FASSA, Covenant from SOSSA and precious from NUESA(EDU), there has been an issue about the death of the JOEL and PRECIOUS as some bloggers has  taken it upon themselves to parade unconfirmed information on social media haven understood the technicality of information dissemination. 

Covenant from Sossa died after a brief illness. Meanwhile, according to ENL100 level course rep and neighbors of the deceased Joel, the death of Joel does not have any affiliation with that of Precious in education and Joel was never dating precious as such the both never went for any dinner party together.

According to some reliable sources, the cause of Joel's death has not been confirmed by any medical doctor and autopsy has not been carried out on the body. Meanwhile, the situation surrounding the death of Precious from education has been confirmed by medical personnel as according to medical report, she died of food poisoning.

Information is power and before any info should be published it has to be adequately verified so as not to turn the community into chaos. Before now, there has been several news about these deaths and the office of the SUG PRO has been working seriously hard to gather facts about the events of the deaths despite  the controversies.

We don't just forward technical information like this. we take a little time to verify, consult, investigate and gather facts before letting information of this nature out. 

The SUG is begging that those involved in the act of forwarding unconfirmed info maybe to build and enhance their brands, or dent the image of the University should desist from it to avoid necessary sanction. 
we pray the gentle soul of the faithful departed rest in everlasting peace, Amen."

Lets us all be careful.

Information brought to You by the University of Benin Official Campus Gist/ online Publicity Platform (UNIBENGIST)
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