Thursday, 19 May 2016

TODAY'S STRIKE UPDATE: No Protest - Lauretta Obakpolor (SUG President)

Greatest UNIBEN students.UNIBEN students are intellectuals.

First, let me applaud the high level of cooperation the SAFE IMPACT EXCOS  (SUG) has gotten from us all. it is
evident we need progress and that we will get in Jesus name.

Dearest colleagues, I see what the Federal government has turned us into.I feel the pains we all feel.feeding is now an uphill task because of hike in prices of commodities. The economy is becoming harsher by the day.

But one thing we must understand is that we must calculate our steps displaying high level of strategic ideas so as to be a voice that will be heard.but pls when everyone is shouting the voice may not be heard as distinct. So if UNIBEN wants to react to the present happenings we must do it carefully.

Please we have plans on how to relate our grievances to the Nigerian society but this we will do with care.

Finally, there is no official protest by today but for those that want to protest, go on but certainly not under the student union government. Many say SUG excos have been bought over by the school management. This is a big lie as even the management was in full support of the protest until we noticed some strange forces but I will accept the scandal provided the security of students is not disturbed. I believe infiltrators want to use us students.They want to use us to achieve their selfish ends.  Please let's be vigilant and careful.

The student union government has not ordered for a protest.
Pls be careful.

#ustilldeymymind#Obakpolo Lauretta#

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