Monday, 11 April 2016

Uniben must follow the creed of Unionism - Arthur Iwuala

We have witnessed an era of dark age in all hostels. We have been tossed like a wounded cub trying to survive in every tenements of school bitterness.

My point for this includes

1.NIMSA saga-:imagine the school authority telling us to leave our hostel for medical students to come and stay.Not only that,we were asked to KIP OUR FOAMS FOR THEM TO LIE ON..WHAT THE HELL?????.

Now my question then was, what happened to nursing hostel,clinical hostel,dentistry quarters and even NDDC hostel?
We were treated like  fugitives in our own domain.Then,the Dean of students seeing how brawny we were had to create a symbiotic relation.That was how that was solved.

2.Renovation of spoils-: All the preachings of the gospel of renovation in all halls of residents are all SINFUL SERMONS.The pastor of that rejuvenation sermon deceived we the congregation.All the renovations are all in fiasco. All the repaired socket are worse of than the previous ones.

3.Hostel nature:- Sometimes i begin to wonder if wonders were truly what it seems to be.Towards the beginning of this semester ,we all suffered shortage of water supply.We had to start thinking about a paleolithic life style of  going from unit 3 to post graduate quaters to fetch water.

 Till now,our generator that looks like what king ahab and his generation used and exported to Nigeeia,is not even  functioning. If we have  power outage,all hall 4 brethren will have to zoom with their chargers to hall 3 to charge their phones.Could you believe that since the beginning of this semester ,we have killed 3snakes in our hostel??? You need to come and see how "HAIRY " our hostel skin is.....Unit two looks like Yankari games reserve were all element of plants and animals ate reared.

4.Finally the election saga-: Do you know how much these aspirants have spent for thia election???I had the opportunity to chat with one of them and he stated that he has spent  #250000 approximately...You see??....if they kip postponing the election,they will kip destroying their campaign strategy and also causing a mass aversion on we the electorate.

See the way our head are just tossing us like ludo seeds.

See how they have made Unionism in uniben a thing of the past

See how they plan and master plan the rubric holes of students living .



Odin v Osafile holds,"Laws are made for men and not men for law"

"Naturalis jurististia"


©Arthur Iwuala
   Information brought to you by the University of Benin Official Campus Gist/ Online Publicity Platform (UNIBENGIST)

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