Friday, 15 April 2016

UNIBEN EVENT: Uniben's got talent Season 1

The best reality show is happening in Benin city live in UNIBEN.
From the stables Otid entertainment an entertainment brand in the great University of Benin present a reality
This reality show promises to be interesting.

Can you sing?
Can you dance?
Are you funny?
Are you a magician?
Are you an instrumentalist?
Are you an artist?
Do you have a talent that is worth showcasing?

Here is a great opportunity to participate in this competition.
Winner of this reality show will go home with a cash prize of #150,000 plus a talent development  contract with a reputable management company.

All you have to do now is to get your forms. Forms are actually FREE. YES, FORM IS FREE. You can obtain form from the Director of Socials in all faculties of UNIBEN. Forms are available from 13th to 27th April 2016. Hurry now. Don't waste time. Inform a friend.

For more enquiries/sponsorship
Call 08132950431, 08090754289, 08175616965.

Information brought to you by University of Benin official Campus Gist and online Publicity Platform (UNIBENGIST)
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