Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Win free gift at the SUG 9th Legal Symposium

This is from the OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Students' Union Government. This is to inform all students of the University of Benin that 
there is a SUG 9th Legal Symposium with a theme : THE  DOCTRINE OF FAMALISM IN NIGERIA revisiting the principle of collective participation towards national development.
Speakers include.
HON.  Patrick Obahiagbon
HON.   Henry Idiaghbon
REV.    Olu Martins
PROF.  K. U Omoyibo
DR.   G Omo Arishe

Date: 11th February, 2016.
Time: 10am
Venue: Banquet Hall Basement.

There are gonna be raffle draws and free gifts such as irons, standing fans,     electic kettles an electric jugs, free mosquito nets and free recharge cards worth morw than 10, 000 naira. I guess you don't want to miss this free awoof. Make sure you are there.

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