Monday, 1 February 2016

Dangers of campus marriage

Many are ignorant of the many dangers of “campus marriage” common among students in Nigeria’s higher institutions. So many a destiny have been cut in their prime due to what has gradually assumed a culture among undergraduates.

In campus parlance, campus marriage is simply an immoral cohabitation involving two individuals of the opposite sex living together usually under the same abode, sharing everything in common. They eat and sometimes study together in classes and even have sexual relationship without being legally pronounced married.
This illicit act had overtimes increased the high rate of immorality particularly on campus among Nigerian students in tertiary institutions which never always lead to legal marriage. It has always ended at right at the school gate.
Apparently, majority of culprits have no tangible reasons for engaging in this immoral act. Although, having interviewed many especially the female students, they said it’s a smart way to deal with the challenge of lack of accommodation. Some have argued that they chose to be close to each other for better intimacy whereas for others, the reasons are clearly bogus. Interestingly, some categorically said their reason for cohabitation is hinged on meeting selfish emotional needs. For this category of students, cohabitation is a sure-fire way to experience the complete pleasure and excitement of living together.
Irrespective of how far they go in validating their practice, one cannot deny the fact that it portends more harm than good for the couple. Checks have shown that those involved in the act have had to battle with the demands of academics, sometimes resulting in untold failure.  Cases of unwanted pregnancies are also rife, further fuelling the lack of concentration common among many students today.  There are even far more menacing dangers. There is the story of a married female student in one of the Nigeria’s higher institutions, who had extra-marital affair with a student. One day, the husband visited unannounced only to catch both love birds in the act. This prompted the husband to stab the lady to death. There are many other gory narratives of this shade.
As seen in the lives of most practitioners, campus marriage affects a student’s academic performance which often leads to eventual withdrawal when such students can no longer meet the standards set by the school. Expectedly, female students are the worst hit due to the possibility of unwanted pregnancy. Cases abound of not only how this has stunted the career growth of many females, but also the associated risk of death when abortion becomes the last resort to save their faces.
Again, this act is considered illegal by law and immoral by both Christians and Muslim faithfuls. Marriage is said to be a legal union between two individuals of opposite sex – a man and a woman – recognised and authenticated by any formal institution, be it the Church, Mosque or law courts. It is plainly foolhardy to put up with a man who has not paid the bride price, much less solemnise a relationship. Female students who still fall into this ditch deserve to be blamed for the calamity that stands in their way.
However, it is better that students desist from engaging in cohabitation of this manner. It’s a trap that has shattered the dreams and aspirations of many young people. It never guarantees a successful marriage either.

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Marci said...

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donald moore said...

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Anonymous said...

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Caillo Lisa said...

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diamond Asare said...

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Great Abolo said...

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Contact details :

Unknown said...

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