Wednesday 6 January 2016

The Influence Of The Friends You Keep On Your Future.

There is this popular saying that you all must have heard" show me your friend and I will tell you who you are " is a perfect saying that must be taken dearly.

Do you know that some friends you keep, due to the fact that they don't have the opportunity you have,they will want to discourage you and bring you down to their level.

There are three(3) major types of friends .

• Friends that adds to you,
• Friends that takes from you,
• Friends that has no impact on you.

Sometimes it is better you never met some people and on the other hand,the best that will ever happen to you it to meet some people.

» Friends That Adds To You :-

There are some company of friends you keep that adds to you but note that what they add to you can either be 
> Positive or
> Negative.

Some friends often take positive impact in your life. Those are friends that encourage you to become great and better, they are always there to see you develop in all ratification. This are friends who are always there to help you out in times of need.

Friends that shun negative living, advice you even on the other friends you keep.

On the negative, this are friends that all they know is socialising, they are in no way bothered about the future. They encourage rugged life and implore you to enjoy the present at the expense of the future.

This is the more reason why most times, you see a childs character begin to change, this is due to people he has met and the influence they have on them. 

» Friends That Takes From You :-

Here is another category of friends. This set of friends are only interested in what they can get from you. Most of them don't have anything to offer or add to you. They probably don't even have a bearing for their life.

Friends that are not bothered if you end up empty and emptied. They often reduce your value. They rob you of your cahs,standard,values and respect and take a walk. 

» Friends That Has No Impact On You :-

This class of friends are present in your life like they are absent. They neither add to you or reduce you. Anything you say or do is a yes and a carry go for them. No action to correct you or set your part right.

You need to be very strict when it comes to choosing friends. There are some friends you keep that might end up making you a regret living.

There is 100% possibility for you to take most of your friend character and immediately you pick the wrong one, it might be difficult to put up with it.

Some will try to twist your ways but I encourage you to stand your ground to trail the right part and try to visualise where you are going.

Choose friends that you know has the zeal for greatness like you do. 

" Birds of the same birds they say flock together "

If you get too noticed with a thief, when the thief gets caught,you will be called upon to defend your innocence.

Analyse The Friends You Have Today 

What Group Out Of The Above Do They Belong ?
Is it Friends that add on you, take away from you or has no impact on you. 

Is There A Possibility For You To Move Forward Still Having Them Close To You ?

Cut the relationship if you need to. Note that no one will associate with you if you end up failing yourself, this same persons you call they will all run and even deny you. So beware...

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1 comment:

David said...

This is really interesting.. Thanks