Friday, 20 November 2015

Important: Breaking news for Uniben Students

Be rest assured that the information ure about to receive now will not break your heart.
This is to inform our stallites that their long awaited prayers has been answered.

Against all odds, all stallites i.e 200,300,400,500 and 600 students can start their hostel application from Monday 23rd November 2015.
This is to say that Hostel application is now open to all from next week Monday (23rd Nov 2015)

The SUG hereby wish to use this medium to encourage you to apply on time as it is going to be on a first come first serve basis.
Wish you all the very  best.

In conclusion I will say again let there not be strife between UNIBEN students and our Management for WE BE BRETHREN.
Always live to remember that UNIBEN IS DIVINE

Oguche Divine Omale
Student's Spokesman
BBM 56346DF3

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