Friday, 30 October 2015

School Fees Uproar - Oguche divine

Various post and comments has been ongoing has to the 400 naira that was included in the school fees payment. 
Many had even during the process tagged the SUG as not been able to stop this increment.

Please we want u all to understand that the Students' Union Government had gone further in the investigation of these increment and the following findings were discovered
*The 400naira is for NHIS meaning National Health insurance Scheme
*THE INCREASE IS NOT INTERNAL. this means that is wasn't even the management that increased the fees. #Unibengist The fees was as a result of deliberations reached be the NUC
*Thirdly the 400 naira increment is also implemented in other tertiary institutions in Nigeria under the NUC.
On the above note we will like to bring to the minds of the ever conscious UNIBEN students that we are not radicals neither are we miscreants but we are Diplomats and Intellectuals who will not just go to the street because of increment without proper investigation of the course of increment.
#unibengist what the SUG told the management is that we the students of this great institution will want to see our 400naira work in our favour. #unibengist
On this note, we will like to appreciate the various individuals who has on been calling endlessly just to ensure that the course of the students is constantly protected we want to say a big thank u to most of our student activist who in the course had shown great sign of service to the entire students we appreciate ur meritorious service and we pray that God increase ur knowledability.
Please also note that the SUG is here to constantly ensure that no form of extortion whatsoever before the students of this Great institution.
In addendum, please be expectant as we hope for a better student environment upon resumption.
Wish the very best even as u rap up ur holidays.
In conclusions I will say again let there not be strife between UNIBEN students and our Management for WE BE BRETHREN!!!!
...... always live to remember that UNIBEN IS DIVINE.
Oguche Divine Omale
Student's Spokesman
BBm 56346DF3

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