Wednesday, 23 September 2015

IMPORTANT: After graduation what next???

Recently, some final year students from various institution graduated(actually they just wrote their final exams, that's equal to graduating ) and the had lots of fun pouring water and every stuff on them . 
After they had all the fun and all that, i looked at some of them that I personally have witnessed
and what came to my mind was: now they have graduated, what next? 

I know all that everyone will be thinking about NYSC, getting a job, masters degree and all that, but some graduates don't go for NYSC or masters degree when they graduate,
some don't even convocate immediately.
Whatever the case may be, after this graduation, what next is the question? What would be your contribution to effecting positive changes in our dear country Nigeria? There are so many who are honest graduates who work with the government and those who are in private enterprises. We expect you to join them to turn our battered image around for good. We need more of Dora Akuyilis, Charles Soludos, Ngozi Okonjo-Iwealas, and so many like them who are making serious positive impact on our society. These men and women are writing better history of themselves and of course in relation to our dear nation. Will you join such good men and women to keep writing the best of history for our nation?
You have received good education and moral training from your various Universities. We expect you to go and be worthy ambassadors of them and of what this institution stands for. You have the grace of God to make your parents, department, Faculty and the entire nation when you leave here to join first of all the National Service and then into the market-place. If you join the government service or private world, please go and make a difference.
The investment on your life has been enormous from your parents and guardians, the Department, the Faculty and fellow students, and even your own personal sacrifice. You must not allow the investments to go into the drain through bad behavior and corrupt group that you will meet out there. Our prayers go with you, and we know the Lord will prosper your future for His own glory and for the advancement of our country.
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